First Visit

lekarz i kobieta

How to prepare?

Female patients may participate in their first fertility consultation on any day of their menstrual cycle. We recommend that couples attend this visit together since it is helpful in conducting the comprehensive diagnostics.

We recommend bringing previous medical history including any hospital discharges, medical certificates, current laboratory tests and scans, if they have been previously performed, and information about past illnesses, operations, procedures, particularly insemination and in vitro, if they have already taken place.


The First Visit Procedure

During the first visit, the doctor conducts a precise medical interview with both partners, analyses their medical history and any medical records provided. Gynecological tests and an ultrasound are also performed.

If it is necessary, the patient will undergo further tests which can be performed directly at the clinic. After the test results are available, the doctor consults the couple, often the same day, to establish the subsequent plan of treatment. If it is medically possible, the couple can directly qualify for the insemination or in vitro procedures.


Tests performed during the first visit

Additional tests recommended for women during the initial infertility visit depend on the clinical situation of the patient and her actual individual needs.

Most often these tests are performed in order to determine the level of selected hormones. Test results are often known within an hour. Special preparation is not required.

Couples planning to undergo in vitro treatment are required to have list of tests. In the case of women, they include:

  • Anti-HIV-1,2
  • HBsAg, anti—HBc
  • Anti-HCV-Ab
  • VDRL (or ova)
  • RhD blood group, antigens of the AB0 system
  • Toxoplasmosis IgG, IgM
  • Chlamydia trachomatis – PCR
  • Rubella IgG, IgM
  • Cytology
  • Vaginal swabs
lekarz i kobieta

How to prepare?

Semen analysis is the basic test in the diagnostic process of male infertility. When preparing for such a test, men should refrain from sexual activity from 3 to 5 days.

During this period, alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes and excessive physical strain should be avoided. Semen analysis should not be conducted while taking antibiotics and immediately afterwards and in such cases, it is recommended to wait at least 10 days after the last dose has been taken.


Semen Analysis Procedure

Semen can be collected at our clinic in a discreet room designed specifically for this purpose. Sperm can also be collected at home, however the sample should be preserved in conditions around body temperature and delivered to the clinic within 30 minutes.

After the semen has been sent to the laboratory, a computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) is conducted along with a morphology of the semen. Results are usually available the same day. If necessary, it is possible to consult a laboratory analyst or to book an appointment with a specialist for further diagnostics and determining a treatment plan.

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First visit
lekarz i kobieta

How to prepare?

We recommend that couples attend the first infertility consultation together as it is helpful in conducting complex diagnostics.

We recommend bringing your current medical history including hospitals discharges, medical certificates, current laboratory tests and scans, if they have been previously conducted, and information about past illnesses, operations, procedures, particularly insemination and in vitro, if they have already taken place.

Female patients may participate in the first infertility consultation on any day during her ovulatory cycle. Doctors usually request that male patients conduct a semen analysis which is the basic test in the diagnostic process of male infertility. When preparing for such a test, men should refrain from sexual activity from 3 to 5 days. During this period, alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes and excessive physical strain should be avoided. Semen analysis should not be conducted while taking antibiotics and immediately afterwards and in such cases, it is recommended to wait at least 10 days after the last dose has been taken.


The First Visit Procedure

During the first visit, the doctor conducts a precise medical interview with both partners, analyses their medical history and any medical records provided. Gynecological tests and an ultrasound are also performed.

If it is necessary, the patient will undergo further tests which can be directly performed at the clinic.

After the test results are ready, the doctor consults the couple, often the same day, to establish the subsequent plan of treatment. If it is medically possible, the couple can directly qualify for the insemination or in vitro procedures.


Tests performed during the first visit

Additional tests recommended for women during the initial infertility visit depend on the clinical situation of the patient and her actual individual needs.

Most often tests are performed to determine the level of selected hormones. Test results are often available within an hour. Special preparation is not required.

In the case of women, tests are performed to determine the level of selected hormones. Test results are often available within an hour. In turn, sperm tests can be conducted after the first visit. Semen to be tested can be collected at the clinic in an intimate room specially designed for this purpose. After the sample has been provided, it is directly sent to the laboratory, where we conduct a computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) is conducted along with a morphology of the semen. Results are usually available after two hours. Couples undergoing the in vitro process are required to undergo tests required by law. In the case of women, they include:

  • Anti-HIV-1,2
  • HBsAg, anti—HBc
  • Anti-HCV-Ab
  • VDRL (or ova)
  • RhD blood group, antigens of the AB0 system
  • Toxoplasmosis IgG, IgM
  • Chlamydia trachomatis – PCR
  • Rubella IgG, IgM
  • Cytology
  • Vaginal swabs

W przypadku mężczyzn należą do nich:

  • Anti-HIV-1,2
  • HBsAg, anti—HBc
  • Anti-HCV-Ab
  • VDRL (or ova)
  • RhD blood group, antigens of the AB0 system
  • Toxoplasmosis IgG, IgM
  • Chlamydia trachomatis – PCR
First visit

We provide our patients with comfortable conditions for consulting with specialists and performing tests. The first visit can be booked by telephone, e-mail or by filling out an online form. Our staff will assist you to set a convenient time for your visit, select a doctor, provide necessary information and answer any questions that might arise.